When accessing the website cimeri.rs (hereinafter cimeri.rs), the user accepts all the rules and conditions contained herein, the law and the rules of the state in which he r she is located, as well as the law of Republic of Serbia.
cimeri.rs reserves the right at any time to amend or change the conditions of use. In this case, cimeri.rs is obliged to inform the user about the conditions in force through this web page. Terms of Use are effective as of the time of publication of this page.
If the user does not agree with the terms and conditions are here defined, has the right to cease using the Site. The user also has the option to contact cimeri.rs in this case so that cimeri.rs can be able to consider the possible problem and to resolve the same if possible.
The entire content offered on the portal (software, HTML, JavaScript and Flash code, text, logo and design, domain) belongs cimeri.rs and should not under any circumstances be used for any purpose without the explicit consent cimeri.rs.
The entire content offered on the website (texts, images and all other content) which was published by the user (hereinafter referred to as User Content), is the sole responsibility of the user who posted the content in any way. In line with this, cimeri.rs bears no responsibility for the User Content, in its correctness, completeness and origin.
User agrees not to post User Content that:
User agrees that the contact information published on the Site will be available for other uses.
User agrees not to:
cimeri.rs reserves the right to access and review the entire User Content, as well as contact information that a user leaves the Site
cimeri.rs agree not to use the User Content outside of the Site without the explicit consent of the user
cimeri.rs agree not to use or publish contact information without explicit user consent Users
cimeri.rs reserves the right to contact the user at all times
cimeri.rs reserves the right to deny access to an individual if he or she in any way interferes with the normal functioning of the Site
cimeri.rs reserves the right to take any legal action against users who in any way interfere with the normal functioning of the Site and to demand compensation for damage or loss caused by user activity
cimeri.rs is not responsible for the accuracy and completeness of User Content
cimeri.rs not responsible for the user's authority to publish User Content, or for any actions of other persons arising under User Content
cimeri.rs does not guarantee the absence of errors on the Site. Customer may contact cimeri.rs if errors occur, and if cimeri.rs is able, cimeri.rs could take measures to address them
cimeri.rs does not guarantee constant availability of User Content or any part of his work
August 2010